Better and more detailed data on exposure to carcinogens is essential to raise awareness on the need for action and to monitor - especially on the long run - if we are able to see a decline in the use of cancer causing agents on the shop floor.
Challenge Aim
The Roadmap Challenge 1.1 “Better data” aimed to review the available sources for occupational exposure data on chemical carcinogens in Europe, and to identify ways to improve their accessibility and use in priority setting and regulation of carcinogens.
Challenge description
An online survey addressed to organisations involved in occupational exposure research or maintaining exposure measurement databases was carried out in April-May 2022, with subsequent discussions with the database owners and a complementing search for exposure data sources. In order to study the sources and type of exposure data used for regulatory impact assessments, and the potential for improvements, a case study examining three recent regulatory impact assessments under CMRD (2004/37/EC) was also carried out.
Challenge 1.1 conclusions in a nutshell
Findings on exposure data information in the European Union
The survey identified several research projects and national databases that could provide valuable information on occupational carcinogen exposure in Europe. A part of the data owners supported a common database (e.g., under the IPCheM portal) to improve the accessibility of these data, while others did not consider this a realistic option e.g., due to concerns related to the resources needed for data formatting, comparability of data collected by different actors, data ownership and data protection. A common platform for sharing general information on the research projects and databases would provide an alternative way to increase awareness on the available data. Since a majority of the available exposure data lie in the national databases, improving their accessibility was identified as of great importance. Examples were identified on web-based tools and data compilations, and on published (substance-based) overviews, which could improve the usability of these data. The case study on recent regulatory impact assessments highlighted the deviating strategies and sources for exposure data in the assessments, and an evident need for harmonisation and guidelines to ensure that all relevant data would be utilised, and to increase coherence and equality between the different assessments.
Based on these findings, recommendations on how to aid accessibility and use of exposure data in priority setting and regulation of carcinogens were identified and delivered the stakeholders best suited for taking further action.
- Full Challenge 1.1 Conclusion report (pdf)
- Measurement databases on occupational carcinogen exposure (pdf)
- Registers of workers exposed to carcinogens (pdf )
- Joint research projects providing data on occupational carcinogen exposure (pdf)
Initial idea
Below you can find the original activities, milestones and deliverables that had been envisioned when starting this challenge in 2021.