Together we can make progress! So yes, we are in need of your practical solution. How did you tackle carcinogens at work? What good practice have you applied?
Before uploading please first type your good practice into a document and try to gather supporting material like pictures, flyers, films or even a protocol. To get inspired you can have a look at other solutions to get an idea of how to write such a short story.
Next return here, hit the button beneath and we will guide you through these quick and easy 3 steps to upload your good practice. In the first step you can upload your files. The second step is about chosing proper ‘labels’ so others can find your solution more easy and in the last step you will be asked to give your contact information. Please be aware that we will publish your name, company name and email address next to the solution, so others will have a way to contact you in case of questions.
If anything is unclear or not functioning properly, please contact us by sending an email to