Winners of the 13th German Hazardous Substances Protection Award announced

On 10 November 2020, the winners of the 13th German Hazardous Substance Protection Award (Deutscher Gefahrstoffschutzpreis) were announced in Dortmund, Germany. URSA Chemie GmbH, Montabaur, and Sterigenics Germany GmbH, Wiesbaden, share the 10,000 Euro prize awarded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) for their technical solutions for the safe handling of carcinogenic substances. In addition, FeuerKrebs gUG, Hamburg, received a commendation in the training category for activities to improve the health protection of fire fighters.

Every two years the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs awards the German Hazardous Substance Protection Award. The motto of the 13th edition was “STOP cancer at work”. A jury of experts selected two technical measures as winners from the numerous applications. As a ceremony for the award is currently not possible due to the corona epidemic, representatives of the BMAS and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) presented the award winners on a small scale on site.

The winners and their solutions

URSA Chemie GmbH from Montabaur developed a system with which chromic acid drums can be opened, emptied and cleaned without contact. View their solution.

from left to right: Eric Raber, Rainer Bloedhorn-Dausner and Gebhard Linscheid

Sterigenics Germany GmbH, Wiesbaden, sterilizes goods with ethylene oxide. View their solution.

Knut Alfs (left) and Stefan Konopka (right)

The initiative “FeuerKrebs” gUG, Hamburg, received an official commendation. The non-profit organization is an aid organization for fire fighters. With training courses and information materials, the organization helps reduce the risk of cancer from smoke gases in firefighters. The initiative makes an important contribution to prevention through targeted awareness-raising and education. View their story.

Marcus Bätge

The German Hazardous Substances Protection Award

The German Hazardous Substances Protection Award is awarded every two years by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and organized by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA).

For more than 20 years, the award has been honoring exemplary and pioneering activities to protect against hazardous substances under the heading “Making handling of hazardous substances safer, promoting innovation”.

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