
Coating removal without DCM

EASCR is the European Association for Safe Coatings Removal. EASCR represents the interest of producers of innovative products for safer coatings removal. Up until the formation of the association, the views and aspirations of the ‘alternative’ coatings removal industry (introducing dichloromethane free products) were not represented in Europe.

Problem and setting

Paint strippers and cleaners used to contain the carcinogen DCM (dichloromethane),. The mission of EASCR is to promote wider recognition within Europe of safer materials/products to replace hazardous solvents and to join with other producers of alternative products and technologies. This leads to a coordinated approach to educate and promote entrepreneurial innovations.


EASCR has undertaken many activities aimed at improving the safety at workplaces in the coatings removal and cleaning industry, such as:

  • New product developments based on safe alternative solvents have been introduced
  • Promoting paint strippers and cleaners free of DCM
  • Educate consumers, trade and industry about the available safe and effective alternatives
  • Be an expert forum and discussion platform for future innovative technologies with qualified knowledge
  • Lobby governments to give clear guidelines and instructions to both consumers and the industrial sectors on hazardous materials which can damage human health and/or the environment


The European Parliament has decided to prohibit the use of DCM. Since 2012 the use of DCM is not allowed anymore.

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Dr. Gerald G. Altnau
European Association for Safer Coatings Removal - EASCR
  • Dichloromethane (EC: 200-838-9)
Solution types
  • 1. S – Substitution