
No Time to Lose campaign – spotlight on solar radiation exposure

No Time to Lose campaign in the Balkans.

‘Roadshow’ events across the Balkans this autumn run by occupational safety and health organisations are supporting IOSH’s No Time to Lose campaign to get workplace cancer-causing issues more widely understood and help businesses take action.

In Europe, it is estimated that at least 102,500 deaths a year are caused by work-related cancer. These deaths are caused by exposure to significant carcinogens such as asbestos, silica dust, solar radiation and diesel fumes.

The Macedonian Occupational Safety and Health Association, Serbian Association for Occupational Safety and Health, Albanian Occupational Safety and Health Centre, Kosovar Occupational Safety and Health Association, and Safety at Work Association of Montenegro are working in partnership to raise awareness of occupational cancer and IOSH’s No Time to Lose campaign.

This year, these organisations have arranged a series of training events from September through to November to highlight cancer risk caused by solar radiation exposure at work.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world. Research suggests that up to 90 per cent of all skin cancer deaths could be prevented if people controlled their exposure to the sun.

At each event, an IOSH representative from the UK will explain how businesses can put in place prevention strategies to manage sun exposure at work and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

The No Time to Lose campaign’s free solar radiation materials will also be translated into different languages spoken in the Balkans and will be distributed at the events. The resources will also be available on this webpage –

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Event date
October 05, 2017 - October 05, 2017
Event type
  • Workshop
Hotel Sharri
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
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