Efforts to eliminate occupational cancer – at EPICOH2017
International health professionals hear about efforts to eliminate occupational cancer.
Epidemiologists, industrial hygienists, and occupational health scientists from around the world are set to find out how the No Time to Lose campaign led by IOSH, the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, is working with more than 100 businesses to tackle the world’s biggest workplace killer.
The experts gather for the 26th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre from 28–31 August 2017.
The event is themed around ‘Eliminating Occupational Risk: Translating Research into Action’. Its focus is to draw together the latest work from scientists around the world and synthesize their conclusions into a series of actions they seek to implement in their work.
During the Conference, medical statistician and epidemiologist Dr Lesley Rushton, from Imperial College London, will explain the methodology behind her ground-breaking research study – The Burden of Occupational Cancer in Great Britain – and how IOSH used it as a basis for its campaign.
No Time to Lose raises awareness of occupational cancer globally and helps businesses take action by providing free practical resources so workplaces can effectively tackle preventable cancers caused by carcinogens such as asbestos, silica dust, diesel particulates and solar radiation.
Ivan Williams, Research and Development Adviser at IOSH, will show No Time to Lose, the Institution’s research reports and free guidance at the conference.
To get involved in IOSH’s No Time to Lose campaign and to download free resources to prevent occupational cancer, go to www.notimetolose.org.uk.